Sunday, February 4, 2007

I can't take it, I can't take it.

I had a Blurty when it was popular. Actually, correction...I still have a Blurty but by now it's probably dusty & shit. One day I'll delete it but I kind of feel bad doing for some reason. It's not like I said anything that was important... well then it was but now it's not at all. If me now knew me then me ... me now would make fun of me then. Maybe it's because I don't remember much stuff and with that I have Freshman year in a nutshell. God knows why I would want to hold on to Freshman year because I was messed up that year. Opposed to ever year after that of course, when I was completely not messed up.

What do you even do with a blog? Obviously you write in it but who cares enough to read about some random persons life? I guess asking questions won't do much good if no one is there to answer. Idk, maybe the life of a 17 year old girl from New Jersey is more interesting than I think. Maybe I'm full of shit. Who knows?

Today was like any Sunday. I woke up at Andrew's house, hung over, as usual. I got grossed out as soon as I saw that I was lieing on the brown pillows all night. There is probably a really versatile mix of bodily fluids, alcohol, and yak saturated in each thread. Peeing is usually one of the first things I do in the morning but it's not as easy to just do when you're at your ex-boyfriends house and there's a 70/30 chance that you'll see his mom downstairs. So I decide to be a rebel and go for it anyway. I got half way to the bathroom when I heard someone cough and ran back up to Andrew's room. Then I layed back down for 15 minutes and finally woke him up and told him I had to pee. Score. So I wasn't nervous anymore because he'd be with me. Downstairs, again and of course Andrew being the mature person he is feels it's necessary to say "haha I'm going first" and rush in to the bathroom. So I'm just standing outside of the bathroom twiddling my thumbs when his mom comes out and says "Oh, I didn't realize anyone was sleeping over." Ouch. I don't think Andrew is really aloud to have people sleep over any more, so I felt completely idiotic. Of course I don't say anything like "sorry" or "oh i thought Andrew told you" but I just giggle and say "uh yeah.. yeah" Andrew says she doesn't hate me... but I beg to differ.

Well anyway Sam eventually picked me up and I stopped home for money for food. My mom and step-dad were both in my room which was fishy from the start. They were both looking at the computer and immeaditly I freaked out and thought they found something incriminating that I had saved on here. Fortunately it wasn't that... but unfortunately it was a lot worse. It turns out they were looking up information about DUI or DWI or w/e the hell it is when you drive drunk. My step-dad got arrested last night for driving drunk & it's his third offence, which means we're going to be paying off shit for however long and it's bad enough we're tight on money. I feel bad being selfish but my prom is coming up soon and I'm gunna need a dress...and ticket money... and hair....and shoes...and shore money ... and alcohol money and they just aren't gunna have it. So basically it sucks. I didn't even want to hear what either of them had to say because Chris felt bad enough and my mom was trying to get all gushy on me and I didn't feel like dealing with it. So me and Sam went to Wendy's AND Dunkin Donuts like true fat-asses. Strawberry Coolatas are amazing, I swear they are the best thing for hot pipes.

Back at Sam's house I obnoxiously fondled Penny until she ran away and hid and we called Andrew to come back out because we wanted to listen to the awesome CD we made. In typical Andrew fashion he didn't show up until, like, 20 minutes later. He was being Grumpy McGrumpenheimer because me & Sam were having too much fun with the whopee cushion she brought with her. Then again he's always Grumpy McGrumpenheimer until he's Awesome McAwesomestein ... basically his moods fluctuate throught the day. Maybe I should just call him Skitzo McSkitzenheimer. Off yeah we went to BK and got fries to throw at the seaguls and pigeons down Hudson. Vigerating, I know. Seriously though, those birds are INSANE. Sam flips out every time which makes it even funnier than when the pigeons won't get off the roof.

The rest of the day I spent home teaching Andrew how to do stuff on PS7 and being over tired. I picked up Sam at 4 from cheerleading in her dad's truck which was practially impossible for me to drive. I will never attempt that again. Well now I'm here...not doing homework, not because I choose not but because I have absolutely no idea if I have any or not. I'd ask someone but there's only 3 people on my b/l and none of them are in any of my classes, except me...but it won't do much good IMing myself because yeah, I don't know the homework either. That was the worst thing I've ever said...or written.. or w/e. I'm off to admire my new mini-fridge and play video games.


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